What to Expect

If you are a participant, please plan to arrive 15 minutes prior to your scheduled session. You will check in with our staff and be guided to complete a brief questionnaire prior to the focus group or interview.

We value your participation and opinions. Thank you!

What is consumer research?

Consumer research is an important means to help companies learn and understand your preferences, motivations, and buying behaviors. In other words, it helps them learn what you want and why you want it. By providing a company with valuable insight on how consumers act, you are able to help them create more effective products and services.

What is a focus group?

A focus group is one consumer research method that companies can use to get insight and feedback regarding a product, service, concept, or idea before it is released to the public. Most focus groups are informal conversations led by a moderator. Participants are encouraged to speak freely, offering their unvarnished opinions, beliefs and attitudes. Focus groups provide companies with valuable information about whether or not consumers will accept a particular product or service.

What is usability testing?

Usability testing allows companies to test their software or website interfaces to ensure that they work as expected and are easy to use and understand. Simply put, it's a way for companies to “kick the tires” on a piece of software or website before releasing it to the public.